Track 5: Security, Privacy, and Trust
The 3rd Annual IEEE International Conference on Metaverse Computing, Networking, and Applications (MetaCom 2025)
August 27 — 29, 2025 · Seoul, Republic of Korea
Track Chairs
Hichem Sedjelmaci (Ericsson, France)
Xiaohui Liang (University of Massachusetts Boston, USA)
Security, privacy, and trust are crucial in the metaverse to protect users' personal data, digital assets, and identities from cyber threats and exploitation. Without these safeguards, users may lose confidence in virtual spaces, hindering widespread adoption and meaningful engagement. This track emphasizes security, privacy, and trust techniques.
We welcome contributions including but not limited to the following topics:
- Security, privacy, and/or trust frameworks for the Metaverse
- Secure networking and communication protocols for the Metaverse
- Privacy enhancing techniques for the Metaverse
- Secure data storage and sharing for the Metaverse
- Secure sensing and Cloud computing for the Metaverse
- Trust issues to address AI/ML techniques in the Metaverse
- New cryptographic technologies for the Metaverse
- Data security and governance
- Trust management framework for the Metaverse
- Identification, authentication, and authorization for the Metaverse
- Accountability for the Metaverse
- Zero-trust architecture for the Metaverse
- Policy and regulation compliance on security and privacy for the Metaverse
Paper Submission
Submitted manuscripts must be prepared according to the IEEE Conference Proceedings Format (double column, 10pt font, letter paper) and submitted in the PDF format. The manuscript submitted for review should be no longer than 8 pages. After the manuscript is accepted, the camera-ready paper may have up to 10 pages, subject to an additional fee per extra page. The paper review process will be double-blind.
All submissions to MetaCom 2025 must be uploaded to Easychair.