Call for Workshop Papers (STIM 2024)

The 1st International Workshop on Secure and Trustworthy Infrastructures for Metaverse (STIM 2024)

August 12-14, 2024 · Hong Kong SAR, China


The infrastructure of the metaverse refers to the underlying technological framework and components that enable the functioning and interconnectedness of the metaverse. The metaverse is a virtual universe where users can interact with a computer-generated environment and other users in real-time. While the concept of the metaverse is still evolving, several key elements contribute to its infrastructure including Internet of Things (IoT), blockchain and cryptocurrency, virtual worlds and environments, avatars and user interfaces, social and communication tools, artificial intelligence and so on. As the metaverse evolves into a vast and interconnected virtual universe, where individuals and businesses interact, collaborate, and conduct transactions, ensuring the security and trustworthiness of the underlying infrastructure becomes paramount. Measures need to be in place to protect user data, prevent unauthorized access, and address issues such as identity theft, fraud, and cyberattacks. Additionally, governance frameworks need to be established to manage virtual economies, resolve disputes, and enforce rules and regulations within the metaverse. By prioritizing these aspects, the Metaverse can thrive as a safe, inclusive, and sustainable virtual realm for individuals to explore, collaborate, and create.

This STIM workshop aims to bring together researchers, practitioners, and industry experts to explore the challenges and advancements in building a secure and trustworthy infrastructure for the metaverse. We invite original contributions that address various aspects of security, privacy, trust, and governance in the emerging metaverse ecosystem. Topics of interest include but are not limited to:

Submission Guide

Submitted papers must represent original material that is not currently under review in any other conference or journal and has not been previously published. Paper length should not exceed the 6-page standard IEEE conference two-column format (including all text, figures, and references). Please see the Author Information page for submission guidelines in the IEEE MetaCom 2024. All submitted papers will go through a peer review process. All accepted and presented papers will be included in the IEEE MetaCom 2024 proceedings. IEEE reserves the right to exclude an accepted and registered but not presented paper from the IEEE digital library. Please follow the submission link on (track STIM) to submit your paper.

Organization Chairs

Zhen Ling (Southeast University, China)

Qingchuan Zhao (City University of Hong Kong, HK SAR)

Shan Wang (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, HK SAR)

TPC Chair

Yue Zhang (Drexel University, USA)

Important Dates

"Paper submission deadline, Notification of paper acceptance, Camera-ready paper submissions" as in