Track 3:AI for the Metaverse
The 3rd Annual IEEE International Conference on Metaverse Computing, Networking, and Applications (MetaCom 2025)
August 27 — 29, 2025 · Seoul, Republic of Korea
Track Chairs
Hakim Hacid (Technology Innovation Institute, UAE)
Yifei Zhu (Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China)
The track focuses on the critical role of artificial intelligence (AI) in creating, sustaining, and enhancing the Metaverse. This track aims to be a vibrant platform for researchers and industry leaders to share experiences, propose solutions, and discuss advancements that leverage AI to make the Metaverse more intelligent, immersive, interactive, efficient, and beyond.
The list of topics includes, but not limited to:
- Generative AI for content creation in the Metaverse
- AI for speech, gesture, and emotion recognition in the Metaverse
- AI for immersive interaction in the Metaverse
- AI for personalization and user engagement in the Metaverse
- AI for advanced rendering and reconstruction in the Metaverse
- AI for decision, control, and planning in the Metaverse
- AI for modelling social dynamics and collaboration in the Metaverse
- Edge AI for the Metaverse
- Privacy-preserving AI for more secure Metaverse
- AI for analysing virtual economies in the Metaverse
- AI for managing Metaverse applications, systems and infrastructures
Paper Submission
Submitted manuscripts must be prepared according to the IEEE Conference Proceedings Format (double column, 10pt font, letter paper) and submitted in the PDF format. The manuscript submitted for review should be no longer than 8 pages. After the manuscript is accepted, the camera-ready paper may have up to 10 pages, subject to an additional fee per extra page. The paper review process will be double-blind.
All submissions to MetaCom 2025 must be uploaded to Easychair.