Call for Workshop Papers (Meta-XP 2024)
The 2nd International Workshop on Connecting Physical World to Metaverse using IoT and Digital Twin Platforms (Meta-XP 2024)
August 12-14, 2024 · Hong Kong SAR, China
The word “metaverse” is a portmanteau of the prefix “meta” (meaning beyond) and “universe”. Technically, a metaverse is a virtual space that allows people to have various virtual experiences, socialize, learn, collaborate, and play. The metaverse now even connects to our physical world via the Internet of Things and Digital Twin technologies.
Submitted papers in this workshop are expected to focus on state-of-the-art research in various aspects of Metaverse services using IoT and Digital Twin platforms from academics and industry viewpoints. The aim of this workshop is thus to offer a venue where researchers from academia and industry can publish premier articles on the recent advances in theory, application, and implementation of the Metaverse concepts using IoT and Digital Twin platforms.
Papers describing technologies and ideas that can be used in IoT and Digital Twin platforms for Metaverse are also welcome. The workshop and its topics are timely and highly relevant to creating a Metaverse ecosystem.